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Author Archive

2/21/11: The Elusive Date and Evidence Of Which Superstar Will Be There

Posted by Stuart Broughton On February - 6 - 2011
all tWWE has yet again dropped the ball. 2/21/11 has caused massive commotion between around the WWE Universe and the IWC but it looks like the cat is out of the bag. WWE released a video promoting tickets sales for the event in question which revealed that the returning superstar is...The Undertaker. Here is a link to the video in question: Unfortunately this kind of kills the return of Sting but if he does come to an agreement with WWE over a contract maybe we could see him appear on the same night setting up the dream match between him and The Deadman ...

Kelly Kelly Getting Fired: A ‘Push’ In The Right Direction?

Posted by Stuart Broughton On February - 5 - 2011
Kelly Kelly is arguably the face of the current divas division; doing for the PG era what Trish Stratus and Lita did for the Attitude era. Though her in-ring and mic skills could use some some improvement it doesn't stop her from being one of the most likable characters on WWE's roster. Every time she appears backstage or you hear the 'holla holla' of here entrance theme she gets a huge pop from the audience. The only thing that keeps her from being the female face of the company is her lack of title. But is this about to change? This Friday's Smackdown provided Kelly Kelly ...

WWE Royal Rumble Results 2011: 7 Things We Learned

Posted by Stuart Broughton On January - 31 - 2011
So this Years Royal Rumble event has ended and people's intial opinion is poor. The results of the event in general were all positive with the titles being retained (excluding the Divas but who really cares) and Del Rio winning the match itself but the way it played out was disappointing. Though now it is time to reflect and wonder, as a viewer and a critic, of the WWE what we have learned regarding the companies choices leading towards the biggest event on the wrestling calendar, Wrestlemania!!!Begin Slideshow

WWE’s Best Pay-Per-View of All Time: Vote for Your Favourite Event

Posted by Stuart Broughton On January - 18 - 2011
WrestleMania XXVII is quickly approaching and yet again the WWE is claiming that it will be the best WrestleMania of all time! But will it match up to some of the most iconic WrestleMania moments or even regular PPVs of the past? We will have to see. Though this raises the question...what is the best PPV WWE has ever put on? I cannot pick a clear winner out of so many great events. So I thought maybe I can have some help from my fellow wrestling fans here on Bleacher Report. I will be opening a poll to you, the ones who ...

Royal Rumble 2011: Big News for the Biggest Royal Rumble Ever!

Posted by Stuart Broughton On January - 17 - 2011
Joey Styles, former play-by-play commentator for ECW and WWE and now part of the company working on, tweeted probably the biggest wrestling-related news so far this year. AND I QUOTE: "This year, there will be 40 participants in the Royal Rumble Match instead of 30. It will be the biggest Royal Rumble Match in history!" Now certain questions are to arise from this exciting rumour, the first being how true it is. Last year, Styles' contract with the WWE ran out, yet he remains working for them. So is this simply a hoax he is pulling before leaving the company? Very possible. But ...

Jeff Jarrett-Kurt Angle Rivalry To Take Turn As Karen Jarrett Preps for TNA

Posted by Stuart Broughton On January - 10 - 2011
Recently Kurt Angle has started a feud with former real-life enemy Jeff Jarrett, which culminated in a MMA match at TNA Genesis. The match ended when Jarrett blinded Angle, but the newly set-up rivalry looks likely to continue as Karen Jarrett, Kurt Angle's ex-wife, will appear on this Thursday's TNA. Jeff Jarrett announced that he will leave his brief MMA career, telling Kurt, "Finally, the three of us are going to celebrate together."  Jeff began his relationship with the then-Karen Angle when she and Kurt were separated, resulting in Jeff being placed on a "leave of absence" by TNA owner Dixie Carter for around ...

WWE Superstar Christian: IWC Heartthrob and Massively Overrated?

Posted by Stuart Broughton On January - 3 - 2011
I am a Christian fan in the same way that I don't hate John Cena—not a good way to start an article, but hey. John Cena is constantly moaned at by the IWC for many reasons, some of which he deserves and some of which he doesn't. This led me not to be a fan of him but to disagree with amount of abuse the poor man is given. Christian, on the other hand, is always praised by the IWC for whatever he does. I am not going sit here and have a moan about how crap a wrestler he is or how he ...

WWE Match of the Year Candidate? Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler vs. The Miz

Posted by Stuart Broughton On November - 30 - 2010
-SATIRE- So what can we take away from this Monday's Raw? 1) The WWE doesn't care about the 'King of the Ring' after they put crown on an already established main-eventer instead of a giving it to a mid-carder to propel them to the top. Sheamus is already a two-time WWE Champion with the kind of prestige to get himeven more press so why let him win a tournament that is used to create superstars? Alberto Del Rio and John Morrison are the two stand out superstars that should have been given the win as they are one big win away from a ...

Professional Wrestling Encyclopedia Of Failure: B Is For Botch (Top 10)

Posted by Stuart Broughton On November - 10 - 2010
Define: Botch 1) Wrestler attempts a scripted move but fails to pull it off either through a mistake, malfunction or misunderstanding with opponent. 2) While cutting a promo a superstar forgets his lines or makes an unscripted mistake 3) F**KING HILARIOUS There has always been mistakes in professional wrestling some minor, some major, some hilarious and some painful to even think of. Everyone has heard of the infamous 'Botchamania' videos which have collected some of the finest botches ever to have graced the internet, so there is no need for me to write a whole article about the psychology and ...

Professional Wrestling Encyclopedia Of Failure: A Is for Adamle

Posted by Stuart Broughton On November - 2 - 2010
"Everyone in anticipation of tonight's Royal Rumble here, another man who has been waiting anxiously in anticipation, his name is Jeff Harvey"—Mike Adamle (Royal Rumble 2008). People have been saying that commentary in the WWE is at an all-time low ever since Jim Ross left the announcers' table but my good are they wrong. How could they have forgotten about the disastrous Mike Adamle. Not only did he destroy the credibility of the commentary teams for the WWE and become a terrible GM of Raw but he also made one the single worst debuts the company had ever seen. At Royal Rumble 2008 ...