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Disclaimer: If you’re one of the many ‘writers’ on this site who only post news on a site that’s meant to discuss sports on an intellectual and analytical level, open your eyes as wide as you can and read on. The rest, of course, are always welcome. It’s come to my attention that many in the B/R community have relegated themselves to posting spoilers, news, tweets and as such there seems to be an increasing influx of anything but analytical, well-thought, argumentative works or others of an otherwise historical nature. Might I ask why? The news sites garner hits, and ...

CvC: How Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker Became the Greatest Rivalry

Posted by Sulayman H. On December - 12 - 2010
Disclaimer: This disclaimer is here for no reason at all other than being of cosmetic value and a reading exercise for those who don’t get off their ass to exercise often. Onward! Sifting through the timeless classics and the treasured rivalries of days past, we must ask ourselves the following questions: Why the hell is there a disclaimer and more importantly, what makes a great rivalry? The level of competitiveness, the five star matches, the compelling promos and perhaps most important of all, the intangible charge that flows through one’s being when watching the warriors embroiled in a ferocious contention finally ...

Sports Entertainment On Life Support: Where Is The Boyhood Dream?

Posted by Sulayman H. On December - 2 - 2010
Broken, bruised and out of breath and yet, a rush of emotions cannot help but engulf him. He closes his eyes and visualizes his time coming. The screaming fans, drowned by his own is in these moments that the world truly stands still for him, and him alone. He is aching all over; it seems as if the pain will never go away and he must submit, but he must also fight. Fight to keep the dream alive. But when will it come? His mind betrays him, constantly disheartens him, telling him that he does not have what it takes to ...
Note: For those who are unaware of Ring of Honor, I’m so sorry for your loss.To quote the utterly delightful, Ashley Morris, who once quoted Lance Storm, I’d like to be serious for about two and a half minutes or so.With wrestling pundits and priests everywhere pondering and pontificating about whether unifying titles, neck injuries, career-threatening statements and wacky weddings merit any kind of actual, meaningful discourse, I thought it’s about time we shine a little torch on the promotion that’s established its own place in both the hearts and minds of many a wrestling fan.ROH stands for Ring of ...

Analyzing the Blueprints: Explaining the Absence of WWE’s Success

Posted by Sulayman H. On August - 7 - 2010
Note: In an effort to better understand WWE’s impact on the pro-wrestling industry, I have kept the title of the article as such. It’s important to put the focus on Vince’s brainchild for a while because for better or for worse, wrestling will be forever associated with those three letters.Any major wrestling promotion that’s in it to win it knows that their each and every move will be observed and criticized by the lesser known talents on the Indy circuit and by the wrestling legends of the past.To a certain extent, promotions might try to adapt some aspects of the ...
It flows within us, more rampantly than blood: the passion for pro wrestling. For all of our troubles, the haven is present, ready and willing to make us shout in excitement and groan in agony. It is in existence because it knows you can’t help but laugh at the silliest premise; it is aware that you cannot hold back the tears you wish to shed. But are you aware of its control? The tattered remains of a once great journal stood before me, the dossier that once held some of the most captivating texts ...
Look at the picture, and think to yourself, which of the seven stand out? Since the golden age of pro wrestling, stables have disbanded as quickly as they’ve been formed, as it seems that there hasn’t been a long-term viable solution through which stables can enjoy both longevity and success. I mention longevity and success in the same sentence because both are essential. In its essence, a stable (most of which have been heel, as I fail to recall any face stables at this time) is meant to gain heat from the crowd and have nominal-to-complete control ...
Throughout sports entertainment history, the various wrestling promotions have offered their loyal fans a brief window through which they were able to witness the grand theatrics and athletic competition that we today surely take for granted. It would seem, that before Wrestlemania left its mark in sports events history, that an idea of having up to 12 grand spectacles a year seemed like such an alien concept.Of course, the fans always had house shows to go to, where they showed their support and were able to witness some of the greatest matches to have never been broadcast on TV. But the idea ...
A large percentage of wrestling fans and the Internet wrestling community (if it can be called a community) believe that wrestling's standpoint in the mass media revolves in cycles, from growing strong and becoming a vital part of programming to falling into the depths of obscurity. "Wrestling will soon get its next boom" is what the hopefuls say, whereas others say the boom is already starting with new talent being pushed quickly into the spotlight. Paul Heyman's post-UFC 116 comments, which included the phrase "pro wrestling needs to get its sh*t together" were discussed by marketing genius Eric Bischoff in which ...

CvC—Through the Eyes of a Cerebral Assassin: Evolution Of A Generation

Posted by Sulayman H. On December - 15 - 2009
“He may be the best in the business today.” -Jim Ross, Survivor Series 2000 “I feel like I’m talking to myself and looking in the mirror twenty years ago, I was that good, that's how good you are.” -Ric Flair addressing Triple H If one can go to the unbelievably asinine limits that hyperbole allows us to, one would be inclined to state that not only has Hunter Hearst Helmsley been the face of his generation, but the greatest face of all time. Unfortunately, some would see fit that I set fire ...