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Author Archive

Pro Wrestling: Stories and Fights Behind the Ropes

Posted by Sumz On March - 10 - 2011
I understand that this article may have been done before however I was just interested and intrigued by the idea of writing about backstage altercations and stories. A lot of these stories are factual however some maybe misinformed or misinterpreted ill try my best to relay the source but if not take this article lightly and not seriously. A lot of these stories are taken from sites and are used as quotes with sources given so there is not plagiarism been used just references. If enough people are annoyed with this I will remove the article.Begin Slideshow

Wrestling Superstars and Their Identical Twin Celebrity

Posted by Sumz On March - 4 - 2011
The following list looks into wrestling superstars who resemble or have similar features to that of Celebrities outside the sporting world. I am sure you already know many of these, but for those who don’t I hope you enjoy it. Leave a comment or post some of your own Wrestling/Celebrity Twins in the comment section below.Begin Slideshow
I am sure most, if not all of you, have sat in front of the TV watching the latest edition of RAW or SmackDown and at some point in the night said, “I can probably knock that guy out in a fight.” If you are one of those big believers, then here is a guide to 35 wrestlers in the business who you could try your luck on, and probably come out on the winning end.  I tried my best to avoid putting lightweight Wrestlers, so that’s why there won’t be slides for guys like Rey Mysterio, Tajiri, etc. Thanks ...

The First Time Ever: Moments That Happened at WrestleMania

Posted by Sumz On February - 28 - 2011
In the past, WrestleMania has showed the fans many great moments in professional wrestling.  Whether it be Shawn Michaels vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart, or "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. The Rock, the fans were never disappointed.Here is a list of those moments that only happened at WrestleMania or happened at WrestleMania for the very first time.Begin Slideshow
A list of some of the greatest face offs between some of WWE and Wrestling’s elite.This slide is all about the passion and adrenaline both men had prior to the match, and it has nothing to do with the match itself or the feud—even though they play a huge part.Feel free to comment and to add your own favorite moments.Begin Slideshow
Alberto Del Rio Def. Kofi Kingston (Non Title Match) The 2011 Elimination Chamber PPV opened proceedings with the 2011 Royal Rumble Winner Del Rio and The IC Champion Kofi Kingston battling it out in a non title match. Alberto came to the ring first and cut a promo about how he is going to Wrestlemania and how he is the best there is at the moment. He gained a lot of heat from the sell out crowd. Kofi then entered the arena to his usual pops and applause from the audience. The match was actually quite decent for an opening match; both men ...
Alberto Del Rio Def. Kofi Kingston (Non Title Match) The 2011 Elimination Chamber PPV opened proceedings with the 2011 Royal Rumble Winner Del Rio and The IC Champion Kofi Kingston battling it out in a non title match. Alberto came to the ring first and cut a promo about how he is going to Wrestlemania and how he is the best there is at the moment. He gained a lot of heat from the capacity sell out crowd. Kofi then entered the arena to his usual pops and applause from the audience. The match in itself was actually quite decent ...
Introduction When you look at today’s Wrestling “Superstar,” it seems as if they along with everyone else are either very similar in nature or very good in one aspect of their profession. For instance, CM Punk, former World Champion: When you look at him what do you see, I see nothing more than a guy with great vocal ability; while this is hard to find in the modern sport, I feel as if people today are to sidetracked when determining who is great and who is not. (Not my video, just an opinion by a WWE fan.) I see comments with people stating ...
This slideshow is part one of three of some of the greatest wrestlers in the business. This list is not about who was the greatest or who is the best, however, it is more of an homage to those wrestlers who have worked day in and day out to entertain the fans of the world regardless of their card status. I decided to do it in alphabetical order, not because I am known for doing them but I felt that this way no one can say “how can Jericho be better than The Rock.” This way there is no ranking ...
Vince McMahon has been generally known for making the right decisions in his career. Even though he has made a lot of enemies along the way and his currently going through a massive transitional period in the WWE the Boss still manages to show the world of wrestling that if given time he will meet the needs of the WWE Universe. This list shows how Vince McMahon slowly yet painfully tries to bring back the Attitude in the WWE. Do you feel that Vince McMahon is moving in the right direction is so or if not please comment. Slideshow