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Author Archive

The John Cena/Nexus Angle Might Just Be One of the Most Interesting in Years!

Posted by Svyato Rovenchuk The Toronto Made Classic On October - 23 - 2010
Hell In A Cell was definitely an interesting night. We had Orton retaining the WWE Championship against Sheamus, we saw Paul Bearer return to help The Undertaker or so we thought before he betrayed Taker and joined sides with Kane and we had John Cena take on Wade Barrett with some big things on the line. If Wade Barrett lost the match then Nexus would be forced to disband. However, if Cena lost the match then he would be forced to join side with Wade Barrett and the Nexus. At Hell In A Cell things went Barrett’s way as he won the ...

WWE Night of Champions Preview: Reviewing The Miz-Bryan Rivalry

Posted by Svyato Rovenchuk The Toronto Made Classic On September - 12 - 2010
At Night of Champions, The Miz will put his US Championship on the line against Daniel Bryan (know by most as Bryan Danielson, but will be referred to as Daniel Bryan in this article). The Miz/Bryan rivalry has been a well documented one, that’s for sure, and it’s one the WWE must have had building up for quite some time. That, or it was just pure brilliance on the spot.  Let’s take a look back on what has happened between these two in the past and what might happen when the two collide at Night of Champions.  This all started back when the ...

Panic Alert: Chris Jericho Says It’s Win or Go Home At Night of Champions

Posted by Svyato Rovenchuk The Toronto Made Classic On August - 31 - 2010
Last night on Monday Night Raw, the IWC got a huge scare during Josh Matthews backstage interview with Chris Jericho. Jericho said that if he does not win the Six-Pack Challenge at Night of Champions, then he is walking out. Although that has been said by superstars in the past with it having no real meaning to it whatsoever, this time it may be serious. Chris Jericho’s contract is expiring and we have yet to hear news about him signing a new deal with the WWE which has wrestling fans like myself worried. Jericho happens to be a rare breed of wrestler who ...

Monday Night Raw Recap: You’re Either Nexus or You’re Against Us

Posted by Svyato Rovenchuk The Toronto Made Classic On August - 10 - 2010
We kick off Raw with Bret Hart coming out to the ring. Bret Hart cuts a promo, asking Edge and Chris Jericho to rejoin Team WWE for SummerSlam this Sunday. Chris Jericho comes out and says he will not rejoin Team WWE. Edge comes out and joins Hart and Jericho who are already in the ring. He cuts a promo saying he will join Team WWE. After Jericho leaves the ring, Edge tries to deliver a big boot to Hart. Hart catches it and drops Edge as he tries to lock in the Sharpshooter on the Rated R Superstar. Jericho delivers ...

Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) Released by WWE

Posted by Svyato Rovenchuk The Toronto Made Classic On June - 12 - 2010
The following statement was released on today:  WWE has come to terms on the release of NXT first season rookie Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) as of today June 11, 2010. We wish Daniel Bryan the best in all future endeavors.   Apparently Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) was released for choking Justin Roberts with his own tie last Monday on Raw during the NXT  invasion. People within the WWE (including the creative team) were informed about this.  It was viewed as too violent for WWE’s current PG product.  Some people say that a powerful individual from the WWE or USA Network made this complaint, resulting in Daniel ...

WWE Injury Update: Randy Orton and The Undertaker

Posted by Svyato Rovenchuk The Toronto Made Classic On June - 4 - 2010
The following is a brief update on the injury status of both the viper, Randy Orton, and the phenom, the Undertaker. The Undertaker suffered a broken orbital bone in his match with Rey Mysterio during last week’s SmackDown. Apparently, the injury is more serious than some suspected. Because of the injury the Undertaker suffered he will not be able to take part in the Fatal 4Way match for the World Heavyweight Championship at the upcoming PPV of the same name.  This week’s SmackDown had every male superstar compete in a battle royale for Undertaker’s spot in the match. Rey Mysterio ended up being the victor of ...

Someone Say It! Looking Ahead To The “I Quit” Match and Back On The Feud

Posted by Svyato Rovenchuk The Toronto Made Classic On May - 22 - 2010
WWE Over The Limit is the next PPV on the schedule for WWE fans. It’s one of the new pay per views that the WWE has to offer and it looks like the first ever WWE Over The Limit has quite the card. There is so much potential here in this one pay per view it kind of scares me. Still the match I’m looking forward to most is none other than the John Cena vs. Dave Batista match. I know most of you are wondering why considering the great matches on here like Randy Orton vs. Edge and Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk, but hear me out ...

Talk Pro Wrestling With Svyato and Arda Ocal of Right After Wrestling

Posted by Svyato Rovenchuk The Toronto Made Classic On May - 5 - 2010
Svyato Rovenchuk of The Sports Dossier and Arda Ocal of Right After Wrestling ( ) answer 15 questions about the world of Pro Wrestling. Who do you think is the next breakout star? (Face and Heel) Arda says : I’m a firm believer that those who switch brands in the draft are being groomed for a higher spot than where they currently are – which is why I’m looking for big things from Kofi Kingston on Smackdown. He’s got the look, great worker, I could watch his matches all day. Jack Swagger as a heel champ – I really hope they keep the belt on him for ...

Bret Hart: The Face of the 1990s WWF(Unofficial CvC)

Posted by Svyato Rovenchuk The Toronto Made Classic On December - 22 - 2009
Note:This is unofficial as Shane has already put up the voting. I was told I could've put it up on Tuesday, but whatever. "The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be" is a slogan that Bret Hart went around with while wrestling in the WWF. The rise and fall of Bret Hart was well documented. The fall was of course, the Montreal Screwjob. The rise? Well, let's get into that now.   Discovering Wrestling For Bret, it all started in his dad's promotion of Stampede Wrestling. At that point, Hart said that he did not at all see ...

The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Pro Wrestling

Posted by Svyato Rovenchuk The Toronto Made Classic On November - 13 - 2009
If you are a christian and believe in Jesus Christ you also believe in the Holy Spirit. And you know that the Holy Spirit brings us 7 gifts. The gifts of wisdom, understanding, right judgment, knowledge, fortitude, piety, and fear of the lord. If you look at Pro Wrestling you can see all of those gifts in there. In what superstars you may ask? Well you are about to find out. Begin Slideshow