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Years back these words could have put a damper and ultimate stop in your pro wrestling career: “Creative has nothing for you right now. Sorry!” Well, maybe the "sorry" would not have been used, but you get the point. Not to say that the sentence above has no value or meaning anymore, because it does. The difference is that you can either let it destroy your career or cease the opportunity to prove yourself. Back in the day if a certain gimmick did not go over well with the fans, they would try and reboot the superstar. If that didn't go well, the superstar would ...
When it comes to the WWE, it is a love-hate situation (as of late). With no other competition to contend against the ever growing WWE; this leads to WWE doing what they want. WWE can let go of wrestlers…entertainers carefree now-a-days without the threat of them going to a company that was in contention with the WWE. They can put certain segments on the program that are not found very entertaining to some but they still do so…because they can and will! Now there is that other company name (TNA) Impact Wrestling, but WWE is so far ahead right ...
In today’s world, patience is no longer a virtue. Everything has to be instant and many people see things in a"it’s-now-or-never!” type of way. With technology booming, people are able to get access to things that interest them in the blink of an eye. Most people will start a riot/throw a fit if that “thing” doesn’t happen immediately! This premise can apply to sports entertainment and specifically the WWE. Back in the, “good old days” of sports entertainment, championship runs where spread out. Titles didn't change hands in a short space of time. In recent times, a champion could hold a title for ...
With wrestling’s biggest event of the year in the book, and TNA Wrestling looking to move forward after a horrendous Genesis event; it is time for TNA Wrestling’s Lock-Down. If you’re trying to compete with the best in the business of the field you’re in, you have to capitalize on every aspect of the game you can. WrestleMania is not only the biggest event for WWE but is the pro-wrestling/sports entertainment event of the year. Every pro-wrestling/sports entertainment fan anticipates and speculates about the grandest stage of them all, all the way leading into the event. Even after it’s over fans cannot ...
WWE, like all other companies or other “Entertaining” products, have their seemingly unsolvable problems. For every problem, however, there is a possible solution. It just depends on how they (the product/company) handle the situation. Now the pro wrestling world has been suffering and has been criticized by long standing fans who been through the good and the bad. After experiencing possibly the best decade in pro wrestling history (the 90’s) fans have been searching for moments like that again. But this is a different time and different age. As things grow, the fan base begins to grow, creating a bigger market within ...
There comes a time when things have to change almost immediately. Signs are the key to predicting what’s going to happen to something that’s on its last legs. Sometimes you can’t help but to feel sorry for what’s suffering, as you already know that the end is near. But on the other hand you can’t help but feel that they put themselves there. This is the case for TNA Wrestling! When you look at the short history of this organization you can’t help but think; why can’t they crack the code? Is it that hard to produce quality shows day in day ...
Not to skip past the biggest the event on purpose already but we are simply looking forward to what comes after WrestleMania 27. WWE has been working to change things up and gain momentum again in ratings—especially around this time a year. WWE has pulled no punches, they've been throwing KO’s left and right. It all started at the Royal Rumble with the surprising returns of Kevin Nash who retracted back to his Diesel persona and Booker T made an impact as well. Not only that, WWE made a bang with Albert Del Rio winning the Royal Rumble which is huge. Ever since ...
May 6, 2001 was the date to mark new beginnings; a fresh new start for a struggling company… that company being the defunct WCW. WCW began on a hot pace to the top of the wrestling world, leaving WWF in the dust as they climbed the ladder. WCW rode their way to the top with a shocking turn by Hulk Hogan, who would join Scott Hall and Kevin Nash (the Outsiders) to form the infamous nWo (new World order). This was something that wrestling fans really never seen before, so WCW played on this idea and kept going with it. But soon, the ...
Nobody is perfect; this is one thing that is certainly true. No one will ever be perfect. If everything and everyone was perfect, the whole world would be well...pretty boring to be honest. When it comes to entertainment, though, we as fans want to see the best quality product possible. This is what entertainment is for, to appeal to the fans around the world. Pro wrestling is one of the best outlets for entertainment. Why? You get comedy, action and drama all mixed into one and even more. Wrestling brings excitement and sometimes sad moments. It covers all aspects of ...
History is made every day, whether it is something small or something that will impact one's daily life forever. History is made so we as human beings won't retract and make the same mistakes. Sometimes, the past can help—to build and construct a bright idea. Pro Wrestling is one of those factors like many others to use history to build off of it. Maybe TNA Wrestling should take better notes then! TNA Wrestling entered the wrestling world in 2002 which was founded by Jeff & Jerry Jarrett after the decline of all know the rest. TNA Wrestling seemed to ...