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Author Archive

The War Really Is Over: TNA Moves Back to Thursdays

Posted by The Future Of Bleacher Report On May - 3 - 2010
This just in, as I predicted in my previous article ( ), the war was over soon after it began. Since Hogan made alot of bad business decisions, and waging war against the WWE early, and due to the fact that the WWE has just drafted all it's stars to Raw, Dixie and Hogan have just told the talent that they are moving Impact! back to it's original time slot on Thursdays. It is rumored that this is Dixie's "huge announcement" that she talked about on her Twitter page. So, what have we learned today? I've learned that Hogan cannot be trusted ...

WWE Vs TNA: It Seems As Though the Monday Night Wars May Be Over

Posted by The Future Of Bleacher Report On May - 1 - 2010
The only good things that Hogan has brought to TNA was Rob Van Dam, and AJ Styles teaming up with Flair. Other than that, he was a catastrophe to TNA. There might have been a small ray of hope that TNA might come up with a few tricks from under its sleeve, but now Vince has terminated the competition. Have you ever heard the saying "Kill two birds with one stone"? Because that's exactly what Vince has done at the draft. Not only did he make room for the upper midcarders such as Swagger, Christian, Kofi, Cody Rhodes, etc. on Smackdown, but he ...

A WWE Edge-Orton Feud Could Go a Long Way

Posted by The Future Of Bleacher Report On April - 27 - 2010
What I witnessed last night while watching Raw gave me the urge to waste valuable revision time on what I'm about to write about... I witnessed glory at it's complete threshold; a start to a feud so magnificent that it could completely resurrect the WWE.  I saw Edge cost Randy Orton an almost guaranteed No. 1 contender spot, by spearing him! "Why are you making a big deal out of this? It's not like we haven't seen an Orton-Edge feud before..." Yes, this isn't the first time those two competitors went at it, but let me ask you this: When was the ...

Money in the Bank: The New Royal Rumble?

Posted by The Future Of Bleacher Report On November - 27 - 2009
Oh my God! A quick-fire double by Fays...err...The Future! At first, Wrestlemania was basically a mega-show for Hulk Hogan to defeat some random "bad guy" and retain his title, along with some other good matches, including celebrities to gain media exposure. Then, at Wrestlemania VI, Hogan had to defend against The Ultimate Warrior, who was extremely over with the fans. It was one of the first times that the WWE would use a "good guy vs. good guy" match, when they usually had their hero go at it with a "villain." The idea was exciting, and it was the WWE's two biggest stars ...

We Were Wrong About the WWE: Raw Finally Building Some Stars

Posted by The Future Of Bleacher Report On November - 26 - 2009
Hello fellow B/R members, First I would like to apologize for my absence here in this wonderful community, I was just extremely busy with my final year of school and college applications, and I have finally found some time to share my opinions with you guys today. I remember how we all complained about the staleness of the WWE product, and how we are seeing the same faces over and over hogging the spotlight. We finally found a light in the end of a very dark tunnel after 2009's Draft, when Smackdown seemed to become an interesting show filled with young, talented athletes ...