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WrestleMania 27: 15 Bold Predictions For WWE’s Must-See Event

Posted by The Jonny Cooney On January - 1 - 2011
This years WrestleMania has all the potential to be a top class event.I think when that enormous event comes we will see the amazing climax of the bitter feuds between some of the WWE's biggest names Triple H and Sheamus, Chris Jericho and Randy Orton and of course CM Punk and John Cena.Earlier this year there were rumours circulating that WWE decided they wanted Justin Bieber to sing America's national anthem.Despite what we think of the teen he is a top star who would attract some pay-per-view buys and that results in more money heading towards Vinces bank account which mean he could be building up   this event ...

Reeling In The Years: My Top 5 Favourite WWE Moments Of 2010

Posted by The Jonny Cooney On December - 30 - 2010
At the beginning of 2010 (an odd year in Pro Wrestling), TNA was creating all the headlines and as the year continued, Shawn Michaels began to feature in the news as usual. Shawn shocked the entire wrestling world by shaking the hand of the man who he "screwed" Bret "The Hitman" Hart and as well as that, his emotional retirement also stirred things up in WWE. As the year continued we saw some sad deaths (Giant Gonzales, Luna Vachon and Lance Cade), shocking title wins (Kane, The Miz) and some great matches (Ziggler vs. Bryan, MCMG's vs. Beer Money) We ...

Forgotten Stars? Top 10 Talents That Are Not In WWE Or TNA at The Moment!

Posted by The Jonny Cooney On December - 28 - 2010
Due to the state of the world's economic system every company have to make some sort of cut backs. WWE and TNA are included in the above sentence and their way with dealing with unexpected is by releasing a lot of talent. WWE have lost a lot of players recently who sell lots of merchandise for them and because of the way the company was ran they decided to leave. I am talking about the likes of Matt Hardy, Dave Batista and of course MVP. TNA have signed so many top talents this  years such as Jeff Hardy, Rob van Dam, Mr Anderson, "Pope" ...
The draft is always one of the most exciting night in the pro wrestling year. It is unpredictable and always full of some entertaining matches considering that the two brands are involved. Last year, the big switches were Edge and Jericho to Monday Night RAW along with the likes of The Great Khali, The Hart Dynasty, R-Truth, John Morrison and more. SmackDown gained the services of the Beautiful Kelly Kelly along with the likes Cody Rhodes, Big Show, Chavo Guerrero, Christian and Kofi Kingston amongst others. I think it is very fair to say that RAW gained the upper hand in the draft, ...

John Morrison Vs The Miz at The Royal Rumble… Yeah, About Time!

Posted by The Jonny Cooney On December - 24 - 2010
The Royal Rumble is one of WWE's biggest attractions and has been since 1988 when Jim Duggan won the very first Rumble, however, he did not win the World Title he was expected to win. Since 1988, we have seen some very strange things in the event such as Christian dressing up as Chris Jericho, Beth Pheonix eliminating The Great Khali, and we will never forget Shawn Michaels outrage and attack on WWE officials. It is hard to say for certain what will take place at the unpredictable event, however, one thing is for certain... It has all the props to be a magnificent ...

Why I Think WWE Needs Triple H

Posted by The Jonny Cooney On December - 12 - 2010
Triple H has been inactive now for simply too long. The WWE have recently appointed him as their creative consultant, but the WWE should have just brought him right back to the action, instead of giving him a job that is in no way helping the WWE. If Triple H does not return and claim revenge on Sheamus, then that ruins "The Cerebral Assassin" gimmick forever. The Main Event Scene is lacking that solid worker and big match feel that HHH gave to it. Out of the three headings, this is probably the most obvious due to all the current absent WWE Main Event Stars. ...

Moment Of Truth: Who Actually Deserves The TNA World Title?

Posted by The Jonny Cooney On December - 10 - 2010
Jeff Hardy is TNA's current World Champion. Over the past couple of weeks, he has been surrounded in tons of controversy and loads of harsh words coming his direction, after recording a video bashing CM Punk while appearing to be under the influence. Jeff pretty much claimed that he made CM Punk the wrestler Punk is today and that could not be any further from the truth. This article is not based on Hardy's downfall. It is based on the heart and soul of TNA, the World Title. The fact is that Jeff needs to drop the belt. It is not right for a person ...

Chris Jericho’s Return: 5 Possible Ways the Pro Wrestling Legend Can Return

Posted by The Jonny Cooney On December - 6 - 2010
Chris Jericho is rumoured to return at the start of 2011, and I have being thinking of ways Jericho could return today as I watched him defeat Daniel Bryan on week two of NXT Season 1. Here are five ways we can watch Jericho return to our screens and do what he does best.   5. Feud With Orton and Avenge What the Viper Has Done To Him After we found out that Jericho would begin touring with his rock band Fozzy, we all knew that the WWE creative team would have to come up with a way to write Jericho out of all WWE storylines. ...
As we travel deeper into December one thing comes to mind. And that would be the fact that this is the final month of the year 2010. 2010 seen some great times including HBK's final match with the WWE at WrestleMania 26 and we also seen some major lows such as talented superstar Shelton Benjamin being released due to company cut backs. To be honest those were two of many things that I would not have predicted at the end of 2009 and that is why in this article I am going to make some pretty bold predictions just for fun to ...

Opinion Matters: The Jonny Cooney’s Thoughts On Recent Pro Wrestling News

Posted by The Jonny Cooney On November - 25 - 2010
Opinion articles is something I want to do more of. So lets get stared! New WWE Champion: The Miz! Dozens of articles were uploaded on this site about the titles recent change in hands and I deliberately kept my opinion to myself on the matter as one side of the IWC are continuously bashing him and the others are hopeful. After Sheamus' and Swagger's poor World Title runs, it is very hard to guess what WWE will do with The Miz. There is no doubt that he is a top heel and has decent in-ring skills that are definitely improving. The friendship with Cole adds ...