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Author Archive

Dear WWE: Edge’s 10th World Title Reign Must Be Lengthy With Credibility

Posted by The T.I. Fan On September - 16 - 2010
What's up Bleaches? ''Time is of the essence, so let's bleach it!'' He has been known across the entire pro-wrestling world by many names: King Edge the Awesome, Mr. Money in the Bank, The Ultimate Opportunist, and The Rated R Superstar.Edge has been wrestling for WWE for over a decade now and has proven time and time again why he is indeed worthy of the legendary and main-event career that he has attained while wrestling for the company over the years. Edge has achieved multiple accomplishments and accolades in the WWE and overall has 29 Championships to his palette; he ...

The T.I. Fan’s Sentiments on Recent Events in the WWE

Posted by The T.I. Fan On September - 8 - 2010
What's up Bleaches? ''No time to waste, so let's bleach it!'' I know I've been M.I.A (missing in action) here on Bleacher Report for quite some time now, but I was still able to keep updated with what was going on in the pro-wrestling world during this time period. My internet connection crashed and my monitor began showing a handful of lengthy and squiggly green lines on it, causing it to malfunction. So I was forced to keep my views on what was going on in the WWE boggled up inside for a whole long ...

Is Vince McMahon Banning Everything That Is Shawn Michaels?

Posted by The T.I. Fan On July - 22 - 2010
What's up, Bleaches? ''No time to waste, so let's bleach it!'' As many of you already know, pro wrestling legend and future WWE Hall of Famer Shawn ''HBK'' Michaels severed all ties with WWE and retired from pro wrestling a couple of months ago. I, for one, can never see HBK going to any other pro wrestling company (I can't see him going in TNA or ROH either), and I hope that he can at least return as a on-screen character and make a few television appearances like former wrestlers The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. I honestly believe that Shawn ...

Dear WWE: Please Give The Miz the Same Treatment That Edge Received

Posted by The T.I. Fan On July - 20 - 2010
What's up Bleaches? ''Time is of the essence, so let's bleach it!'' On July 18th of 2010, WWE presented the WWE Universe with a brand new historic and innovative pay-per-view. A pay-per-view that can quite possibly change the format of Wrestlemania for ever. A pay-per-view called: ''Money in the Bank.'' The main idea surrounding this pay-per-view was based on the Money in the Bank (MITB) ladder match itself, where two MITB ladder matches took place. One for Smackdown! and one of Raw, where the winner of each match would win a contract that would guarantee both wrestlers a championship match, which can ...

My Top 5 Entrance Songs in the WWE Today (from 2008 – Present)

Posted by The T.I. Fan On July - 18 - 2010
What's up Bleaches? "Time is slowly strolling by, so let's bleach it!" About approximately one week ago, I wrote a pro wrestling slideshow and published it on the pro wrestling section of Bleacher Report. It consisted of the top 10 entrance songs which are currently being used by professional wrestlers in Total Nonstop Action wrestling today. Well, this slideshow comprises of "MY" top five entrance songs (from 2008 to present), currently used by wrestlers (whether tag teams or singles) in World Wrestling Entertainment today. This list consists of entrance songs that are still fairly new and fresh in the WWE and have ...

Tara Confirmed As the Mystery Woman at TNA’s Victory Road

Posted by The T.I. Fan On July - 12 - 2010
What's up Bleaches? ''No time to waste, so let's bleach it!'' As many of you already know, Lisa Varon (a.k.a. Tara and Victoria) severed her ties with TNA a few months ago because of money issues and had her wrestling career ended (kayfabe) by Madison Rayne after she put her career on the line for Rayne's title at TNA Sacrifice. Now, many of us expected her to go back to WWE after she had a meeting with them a few months ago, but it appears that things didn't work out and she didn't like the deal they offered her. Last night, TNA presented ...

WWE Signs Alicia Fox’s Sister To a Developmental Deal

Posted by The T.I. Fan On July - 11 - 2010
What's up, all you Bleacher Creatures? ''No time to waste, so let's bleach it!'' Via, I have just read that the WWE has just signed Christina Crawford—The younger sister of the current WWE Divas champion, Alicia Fox— to a developmental contract. Not much is known about Christina, but she recently made her debut last Thursday night on FCW, competing in a Divas bikini competition. A contest that her sister also took part in. I wouldn't be surprised if she was called up to the Raw Roster, to be Alicia's sidekick or tag team partner of some sorts in the future. I just ...

The Top 10 Entrance Songs in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Today

Posted by The T.I. Fan On July - 9 - 2010
What's up Bleaches? ''No time to waste, so let's bleach it!'' In today's world of pro wrestling, one needs to have certain attributes and characteristics, in order to become very successful. These are some of the main ingredients and requirements that are taken into consideration when a wrestler gets pushed to the top of the wresting business: a unique look, mic skills, solid gimmick, charisma, good in-ring ability, and having a good connection with the wrestling fans. But! A wrestler also needs something that can help the fans know when they are coming out to the arena, and that's ''Theme Music,'' something that ...
What's up Bleacher Creatures? ''No time to waste, so let's bleach it!'' The Money in the Bank ladder match is a traditional, action-packed, and historic match that has been held on the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania, for five years now. But this time around, the WWE is forgetting all about tradition and is scrapping the match off Wrestlemania events and giving the match it's own gimmick—Pay-Per-View, that will be take place every year from now on. If that isn't enough, they are also having two briefcases instead, where one will be for Smackdown! and one will take place for RAW—the winner getting ...

The Beautiful People Breaking Up? That Would Really Suck!

Posted by The T.I. Fan On June - 30 - 2010
What's up, Bleaches? Time is of the essence, so let's bleach it! The Beautiful People have been cleansing TNA of ugliness for over two years now. But it seems like the recent reign of the group over all the other TNA Knockouts is finally coming to an end. There has been a lot of bickering and animosity going around in the stable, especially between the front runners of the group, Velvet Sky and Madison. It showed during last week's episode of TNA Impact, when Rayne and Sky were backstage and Rayne was looking at her new hairstyle (a crappy hairstyle) in the mirror ...