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Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio has been one of the worst feuds of 2012. Yes I did say it and I will stand by that statement. I haven't been more disgusted with the product that the WWE has offered to the fans than with with this feud for the richest prize in the company.Sure, some fans will say that this feud has been OK, but I believe that Del Rio versus Sheamus has been an epic failure since it began in May, and it continues to be a snooze fest that fans do not care about. The world title should ...

How to Make the Wrestling Industry Boom Again

Posted by Travis Smith On August - 21 - 2012
Pro wrestling as a whole has been seeing a trend of less and less viewers that are diehard to watch their product. This trend, in my opinion, started back in 2001 when the WWE bought out WCW and ECW. There were many loyal ECW and WCW fans that stopped watching wrestling altogether because the WWE's style was simply not for them. Fast forward to current day, and we see the industry barely able to fill the arenas no matter what show you go to. From Raw to Smackdown to Impact to Ring of Honor, you see empty seats, and that's ...

The Top Five Superstars That the WWE Needs to Release ASAP

Posted by Travis Smith On August - 18 - 2012
The WWE is getting ready to embark on the fall run of the season, usually the last run where you could build up feuds, try different matchups, and really focus on the wrestling aspect of the industry before the road to WrestleMania begins.Now while there are several guys who are trying to make a claim for why they should main-event WrestleMania, there are some guys that are just taking up roster spots that could be used for the younger talent down in NXT. I believe that the WWE has a lot of quality young talent in the company that deserve to have their ...
The WWE is getting ready to embark on the silver anniversary of the second biggest pay-per-view event of the entire year, SummerSlam.It looks like every match on the card has the potential to be something special, from Brock Lesnar's war with Triple H to the WWE championship match, which involves the top two biggest draws currently in the company (CM Punk and John Cena).While all the matches at SummerSlam look to be very good, the one match that I have no doubt will steal the show is Chris Jericho versus "The Showoff," Dolph Ziggler.This feud has been building up since ...
I am back! Yes I had to take two months off in order to move and to get some things fixed in my life before I could worry about writing again, but what I did learn over that time was that I needed to write about pro wrestling because it's something I have so much passion and respect for. But I have still followed pro wrestling over my hiatus and I have been generally disappointed in the quality of the WWE programming since Extreme Rules back in April.Now I am not going to bash the WWE entirely because they have ...

WWE: The Top Five Feuds the WWE Universe Wants to See

Posted by Travis Smith On May - 22 - 2012
The WWE Universe has been spoiled in the past year with some great feuds and some five-star-caliber matches. Now while the WWE seems to be at a high point since last year, some fans still think that the company can do better with their storylines and feuds. I believe it's true as there are so many great feuds the WWE needs to capitalize on, and use over the summer and into the fall run of the calendar. This list counts down the top five feuds that I believe the WWE Universe wants to see happen. I feel like this is ...

Wrestlemania 27: John Cena vs. The Miz Should Be the Main-Event

Posted by Travis Smith On March - 16 - 2011
WrestleMania 27 is now only two and a half weeks away and people are already buzzing about the great matches that are on the card. Some of the matches highlighted are Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio, Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Title, Randy Orton vs. CM Punk, and Undertaker putting his undefeated WrestleMania streak on the line against "The Game" Triple H. Now all of these matches are going to be thrilling battles but I believe that John Cena vs. The Miz for the WWE Title should be the main-event at WrestleMania 27. The Miz and John Cena have ...

Is The WWE Pushing Alberto Del Rio Too Much and Too Soon?

Posted by Travis Smith On December - 18 - 2010
            Alberto Del Rio has been the hottest heel on SmackDown since his arrival to the WWE this past summer. Del Rio has impressed many critics from the die-hard IWC to Vince McMahon himself with his in-ring style and his fine promo’s. Del Rio seems to be the perfect heel that the WWE wants but some fans believe that Del Rio is being pushed too much in too short of a time in the WWE and I have to agree with those fans.               Drew McIntrye, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, and Evan Bourne all have been proclaimed as the “future” of ...

Jeff Hardy Turning Heel May Be the Biggest Shock in 2010

Posted by Travis Smith On October - 25 - 2010
TNA has been slammed since bringing in Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff in January. Hogan and Bischoff's list of screw-ups since January are longer than Stacy Kiebler's legs, but TNA finally got something right in the last two weeks by making Jeff Hardy a heel and TNA world champion. When Jeff Hardy left WWE for TNA, people were left scratching their heads because of Hardy's solid role as one of the top babyfaces in the company, even becoming a multiple-time WWE/World Champion. So to leave that top spot to go back to a company that didn't properly push him the ...

Matt Hardy Going to TNA May End Up As The Best Career Choice For Hardy

Posted by Travis Smith On September - 27 - 2010
WWE is pretty much on the verge of releasing Matt Hardy because of his recent internet tirade about being sent home from the WWE European tour. Matt posted a video on youtube killing the rumor, but it also left a sour taste in WWE's mouth, thus pretty much prompting them to release the former United States champion. Matt has been with the WWE since 1997, and yes, even though Matt will be gone from the WWE, the release could be a new lease on his career. Matt could end up in TNA, and if he does sign on with the young ...