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It's been two days since Brock Lesnar stunned the WWE Universe by ending its most notable streak, and the backlash from fans has been remarkable. There have been many "why WWE got it wrong" articles floating around the web, and the words "stupid" and "ridiculous" are woven throughout as critics express their ultimate disapproval. In my opinion, that’s missing the point. If you are truly a fan of this industry, if professional wrestling means anything to you, you would stop chastising the company for its decision and spend your effort praising The Undertaker for being a true professional. What The Undertaker ...
The WWE will finally have a shot to take things in a different direction this Sunday. Because of a diverse cast of characters entering the Elimination Chamber, the WWE Universe may finally get a refreshing dose of something new, something fresh. Creative has clearly begun its plan to transform John Cena from WWE championship contender to in-ring promoter, and that's fine. I think the Universe has had its fair share of Randy Orton vs. John Cena. This has been the company's headline match for years now.  The final chapter was written last week. With that masterpiece of mediocrity concluded, we persist ...

WWE Raw: WWE’s Agonizing Angles Surrounding Company’s Best

Posted by Tyler Grote On February - 11 - 2014
Betty White hosting Raw is a sweet treat for anyone who loves the PG Era and all the excitement it offers. How did we enjoy Ms. White last evening? Did she make everyone feel good? Good. She had to. Someone had to. Because few others on that show are having that effect anymore.  It's getting tiresome. I know—if I don't like the product, don't watch. OK, I suppose I'll just watch TNA instead; however, it's remarkably harder getting excited for a product when the 60 or so there watching it live can't.  Not much of a choice. If you're a fan of ...

WWE Raw: Can Daniel Bryan Truly Carry the ‘Yes Movement’?

Posted by Tyler Grote On January - 28 - 2014
Question: Are you chanting "Yes!" because you're genuinely a fan of Daniel Bryan, or are you doing it to illustrate your disgust for creative? It's relatively easy to blast the decisions made by WWE creative of late, but it's a brutal mistake to assume The Authority isn't playing along. We may have a plethora of creative adjectives to describe Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, but stupid shouldn't be one of them. They know what's happening. And rather than own up to recent poor booking, it looks as if they're going to turn the "Yes Movement" inward to begin its inevitable unraveling. And ...

WWE Raw: A Casual Review of Monday Night Raw 1/13/2014

Posted by Tyler Grote On January - 14 - 2014
WWE creative is on fire right now and I'm not sure how to feel about it. I can openly acknowledge that last evening's Raw was one of the more entertaining episodes we've witnessed for over a month. There are a lot of angles flying around right now, and I honestly do not feel as if I know what direction this train is headed. Just for your information, I won't be covering everything here. There are plenty of awesome reviews on this site if you missed the show. I do like beginning Raw with a solid match. The Usos and The Wyatt ...

WWE Raw: Overall Review, Grade—Much Better Than TLC

Posted by Tyler Grote On December - 17 - 2013
After what I considered to be an extremely disappointing TLC pay-per-view, WWE responds with an exceptional Raw—one that might have actually been worth the money you spent on Sunday. Solid promos, intriguing angles and a very rare case of Triple H and Stephanie listening to the WWE fans. Plus, the matches were all-around better.  Opening Promo In an effort to both solidify Randy Orton as the champion of champions and to emphasize the increasing popularity of an undersized superstar, the opening of Raw saw the entire comic book cast of characters take their place beneath the titantron while Randy Orton slowly met ...

WWE PPV Review and Grade: TLC Ultimately Underwhelming

Posted by Tyler Grote On December - 16 - 2013
WWE's TLC ended similar to how it started—quickly and with little fanfare. TLC used to be a match whose very suggestion immediately took things to another level. But that's when it was being utilized by professionals, athletes like the Hardy Boyz, the Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian. These were guys who understood the variety of lethal weapons they had at their disposal and how to use them to get the most out of a crowd. Last night was a painful reminder of how far removed we are from an era defined by more than cheap pops. Orton and Cena simply failed ...

WWE 2K14 Post-Honeymoon Review: In-Game Quirks Stall Authenticity

Posted by Tyler Grote On November - 8 - 2013
If your Google search of "WWE 2K14 Reviews" has brought you here first, quickly click "x" in the top righthand corner of your screen and find another review. Because if you're trying to decide whether or not to buy this game, I can make the decision very easy for you: buy it. If you're a fan of wrestling, or were a fan of wrestling at some point and are just looking for an awesome video game, purchase WWE 2K14. It's that good, and every other review will tell you as much. There are plenty of things to celebrate in WWE's most ...