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Author Archive

WWE the Music: New Songs for WWE Standouts

Posted by Tyson Jones On July - 26 - 2013
I've been feeling good lately, and so I decided it would be fun do one of my favorite articles. Of course, WWE Superstars today have some cool theme songs. Dolph Ziggler, 3MB and Jack Swagger are perfect examples, and several other superstars have fitting and nice-sounding themes. There are also superstars who could do with a change of theme. John Cena and Sheamus have had the same music for a long time now. They could do with a little change of pace when it comes to themes. Some superstars are reaching new levels in their careers like Daniel Bryan and Cody Rhodes. What ...

WWE Superstars: The Top Ten Wrestlers in the WWE

Posted by Tyson Jones On July - 20 - 2013
Who's the best wrestler in the WWE? Daniel Bryan? Tyson Kidd? CM Punk? John Cena? (One of these things is not like the others, by the way.) That's a question that can get you a few different answers, but we haven't seen an article answering this question in a while so I thought it would be fun to offer my own thoughts on the subject. With that in mind, I hope you'll give the list a look and share your opinions on the placements and thoughts on the men both on and not on this list. To kick things off, we'll start ...

Hook or Crook: The Imaginary Impact of Clean Victories in the WWE

Posted by Tyson Jones On July - 19 - 2013
"At Money in The Bank (2011) CM Punk should have beaten John Cena cleanly for the WWE Championship." That's a sentiment a lot of people have said, even recently now that a new star named Daniel Bryan has his shot at the WWE Championship at SummerSlam. People are both hopeful and pessimistic as the days pass about how WWE will handle this situation. People are begrudgingly admitting there is a chance Cena will retain the title or lose it in a less-than-convincing way. For some people anything less than Daniel Bryan winning the WWE Championship by submission is WWE dropping the ...

WWE Superstar Cody Rhodes: Thoughts on a Rhodes vs. Colter Feud

Posted by Tyson Jones On July - 1 - 2013
WWE Superstars Cody Rhodes, Antonio Cesaro and Zeb Colter are all pretty much directionless. Rhodes has been reduced to a high-class jobber, Cesaro does nothing but squash Sin Cara and Zeb...well, Zeb is still actually pretty good at what he does. With that said, I sometimes wonder why it is WWE doesn't do the obvious thing anymore.Granted, a swerve is nice every so often (the recent one pulled by Impact Wrestling for example). Still, when the most obvious route is there, and you're not doing anything else, what's wrong with taking it?Honestly, something has got to give on Creative sooner ...
If someone asked you, and about ten other people on Bleacher Report, if WWE should bring back the Cruiserweight Championship I'm sure most people would answer with a resounding "Yes!"I've been doing some thinking though, and after going over it in my head in my spare time, I've come to the conclusion that WWE is not ready for another Cruiserweight Championship. For a lot of people, it's easy to say WWE should bring back the CW Championship. However, I think there's a few things that would hamper the revival of this title and division and ultimately leave it a shell ...
Ryback...a name that draws a few different reactions. Some negative and some positive, and for different reasons.Some claim him to be a Goldberg ripoff, unfit to polish the boots of JTG on Superstars. Others see him as a main event talent who's been saddled with poor booking (the story of many a Superstar's life.) Personally, I do feel that Ryback has the potential to be a main event Superstar.Do I think he could be the face of the WWE? I'd say not, but I'm sure if I told you back in the day that Rocky Maivia and Stunning Steve Austin ...
Now, hear me out. I know the booking of the tag team division has been...checkered at best, and it's likely that adding another belt to that isn't going to help change that.With that said, I do believe that the WWE could benefit from transforming their WWE into a Trios division, or even modifying it so that it can be switched back and forth between a Trio and a tag team division. It's something that's come into style recently, and with the upcoming arrival of The Wyatt Family, WWE may soon have to do something to appease these trios.I believe that ...

WWE’s Vision of Entertainment and the Obsession with Dance

Posted by Tyson Jones On May - 31 - 2013
Brodus Clay, R-Truth and Fandango. What do these three WWE Superstars have in common? Well, if you answered an affinity for dancing before, during and after their matches, you'd be correct.With all the dancing, you'd be hard-pressed to convince people who didn't know any better that these three men are actually pretty skilled wrestlers. It's hard to be taken as a threat when you spend the majority of your time "getting funky" with the crowd.Still, I don't think WWE is entirely in the wrong with pushing dance for its Superstars. While it's not everyone's thing, some people like dance. I ...

WWE Superstars: Talent Who’d Be Better off Released

Posted by Tyson Jones On May - 14 - 2013
Year after year, people come to the WWE with hopes of making it big. They want to headline WrestleMania, win championships, put on epic feuds, and go down in history as one of the greatest, if not the greatest of all time.Some of these men and women go on to do that. Of our current generation the names Randy Orton, CM Punk, and of course John Cena have all but solidified themselves in the annals of WWE history. However, many more never see such success.For every John Cena, there's a Zack Ryder. For every CM Punk, there's a JTG. For ...

WWE Tag Team Titles: Contenders and Potential Roads

Posted by Tyson Jones On May - 9 - 2013
For the past few months, The WWE Tag Team Championships have sat snugly around the waists of The Big Red Machine and The American Dragon. Still, in recent weeks we've seen the WWE Tag Team Champions more vulnerable than ever before. Losses to a series of opponents following WrestleMania have had the people questioning how much longer Team Hell No can keep the bronze belts. As of now, it's difficult to remember the last time a member of this team has picked up a victory, and I think at Extreme Rules the fire that brought this team together may be ...