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Top 15 Dudes TNA Has Dropped The Ball With

Posted by Von Paxton On January - 3 - 2011
TNA hasn't been in existence for very long, yet they have had hundreds of wrestlers come and go. It's no secret that TNA hasn't exactly mastered booking 101 nor have they quite figured out how to utilize a roster perpetually loaded with talent.They have dropped the ball on many a wrestler, so here is the top 15 guys I think TNA has or is dropping the ball with. Keep in mind they have dropped the ball on more than just 15 guys so some others have been left off the list. Also, this list is in no particular order.Let me know who you ...

10 Ideas For The Future WWE Network

Posted by Von Paxton On December - 21 - 2010
Earlier this year, WWE CEO Vincent Kennedy McMahon told shareholders that he hoped to launch a WWE TV Network in Mid-2011."We have a lot of clout that most people don't," McMahon said "We don’t see any interruption for Raw or Smackdown,” McMahon continued “The new network could tie-in…and enhance the two brands.” So what's going to be on this network? Well I have a few ideas and if you have some, I'd love to hear them. Thanks for reading, let me know what you think!Begin Slideshow

TNA Setting A Dangerous Precedent with Jeff Hardy

Posted by Von Paxton On December - 17 - 2010
I’m assuming you are a Pro Rasslin’ fan based on you reading this article. So, I don’t need to tell you about the epidemic of Wrestler deaths that have happened yearly since the very first match between Cain and Abel. It’s heartbreaking that so many Wrestlers have died so young which we blame on several factors. Steroids, alcohol, pain killers and the rough schedule are all playing parts in these tragedies. Thinking about the premature deaths of these men and women makes TNA’s lack of action even more mind-numbing. If you are part of the dreaded IWC (which you are), you ...

Wrestling: 10 Worst Finishers of All The Times

Posted by Von Paxton On December - 16 - 2010
In the history of Professional Wrestling there have been some totally awesome finishing moves. Like the Canadian destroyer, the Diamond Cutter, The Stone Cold Stunner, etc. But what about those finishing moves that make us all scratch our collective heads thinking: "What in the name of Socko was that?" How could these moves make a grown man lay on the mat thinking "This hurt so bad....I....I can't get up for at least four seconds" Lets look at who I think are the 10 worst finishers ever. Keep an open mind as I will probably miss a few but its cool, ...

A Top Title Push for Christian Would Totally Reek of Awesomeness

Posted by Von Paxton On December - 16 - 2010
I recently picked up Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 for the PS3 and played until my hands went numb. One thing about it really stuck with me and made me think what many have been thinking for a long while: Christian should hold a major belt in the Double Double E. In SvR 11 (as it's known on the streets), there are multiple storylines called “Road to Wrestlemania,” where the player can choose different superstars who have personalized story lines; this features Chris Jericho, John Cena, Rey Mysterio and Undertaker (the Undertaker one is where you play as someone else ...