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Author Archive

Cutting Edge: The Future of WWE’s Adam Copeland

Posted by Wendy Mixon On April - 13 - 2011
Just one week after WrestleMania 27 and retaining his World title against Alberto Del Rio, Adam Copeland stepped into the ring at Monday Night Raw and announced to the WWE Universe that because of a persistent neck injury, he was retiring. Most fans were in shock. He had just retained his title; why was he leaving? Moreover, if he wasn't leaving, and this was a storyline, what would WWE stand to gain from this stunt? After all, sports entertainment performers "quitting" or "retiring" from their respective organizations are akin to soap opera heroines "dying" on their shows: they'll be back, ...
Since Sunday's WrestleMania 27, there have been a flurry on Bleacher Report concerning what made this year's show less than stellar. I myself took part in this criticism, dragging out my own soapbox, and preaching the WrestleMania Gospel According to Mixon.Having had a few days to cool down from the PPV, I realize what bothered me: it wasn't the excitement (save for the 'Taker v. Triple H match) or the spectacle that I as a viewer have come to expect from the Granddaddy of Them All.Like a lot of the readers here, I've literally seen every WrestleMania, either on VHS, ...
Dear Vince,To be fair, I must submit that, like a lot of readers, was spoilered beyond belief before I watched the "Granddaddy of them all" on Sunday night. I knew that Sheamus was going to be relegated to the dreaded "dark match" position, thanks to this site and to a "tweet" on Shane Helms' feed, of which I am a subscriber.I knew there were going to be some really questionable choices, not the least of which was the much-maligned mixed-tag "Snooki-match," and the inclusion of comedian Drew Carey in the 2011 Hall of Fame class. I also knew that ...

Sexy Boyz, or Simply Ravishing: Most Flamboyant Men in Wrestling

Posted by Wendy Mixon On March - 29 - 2011
You know them, you love them, and you love to hate them.Some are incredibly girly, some are after YOUR girl. Some come wrapped in rhinestones and feathers; some are wrapped in PVC and chains. And in one case, one was buck naked.These are some of the flashiest, gaudiest, and most flamboyant men in the business. I've left off some of the more obvious choices, and your mileage may vary. THESE ARE IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER, so please don't think I rated someone over someone else.Now, on with the opulence, the audacity.....Begin Slideshow
WWE has never been known as the height of refinement, manners, or taste. We as fans don't expect it to be. We watch for displays of aggression, for "holy sh*t!" moves, and for half-naked people, which we get plenty for either gender. We watch to have fun, and to watch other people have fun for a living.Occasionally, though, there are moments of...well, to borrow a popular Internet meme, "fail." Not just the usual garden variety screw-ups, flubs, and bloopers, but nearly inexcusable poor judgment. Though there have been countdowns of screw-ups before on this and other sports-entertainment sites, I think ...

Seven Ways: How To (Hopefully) Improve TNA

Posted by Wendy Mixon On March - 24 - 2011
Upstart TNA (Total Non-Stop Action) Wrestling has done some impressive things. They took a small independent show, in the information age, and got themselves on television in a very short amount of time.They took Christian (Cage), who floundered as a tag team partner in WWE in the early 'oughts, and made him a seasoned singles competitor. They got some of the most influential veterans (Sting, Ric Flair, Jeff Jarrett), and independent heroes (AJ Styles), and made it good. But good is not great, especially not lately. Victory Road '11's incredibly sad ...