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Author Archive

WWE: Some Random Questions I Have After This Week in Wrestling

Posted by Zak Subasi On March - 12 - 2011
So there's a couple of things I'd like to get off my chest and hear some other opinions about WWE this week, so let's get started! Enjoy!                                                                                                                                                   ...

March 4, 2011: WWE SmackDown! Review

Posted by Zak Subasi On March - 5 - 2011
Edge opens the show, Edge(c) vs Drew McIntyre (non-title)A really good match and a great way to start the show.  I loved the ending where the spear came out of no where and then Edge lifted Drew's shoulders and instead made Drew tap to the revived EDGECATOR! YES! If you can't tell, I'm an Edge mark .   Cody Rhodes Promo What a difference a year can make for former legacy member Cody Rhodes.  This was a fantastic promo that helped boost Rhodes' new sadistic paranoid character.  I am surprised that Rey didn't come out or appear on the show at all, but thank goodness ...

WWE Elimination Chamber: Does Anyone Else Realize This?

Posted by Zak Subasi On February - 19 - 2011
Does anyone else realize that in every year's Elimination Chamber match, there's at least one or more upper mid carder who WWE is trying to build to be a main eventer, but it backfires most of the time? No? Well let's take a look: No Way Out 2008 Smackdown Elimination Chamber match—MVP, Finlay and Big Daddy V.  Well, none of these three ever made it farther than a U.S title, and all three of them are either released or currently off television.   Raw Elimination Chamber match—Umaga (R.I.P); eh, it kind of worked.   No Way Out 2009 Smackdown elimination chamber match- Vladimir Kozlov.  Obviously this ...
At the Royal Rumble pay-per-view, the current World Heavyweight Champion Edge went one-on-one with Dolph Ziggler.During the match, Dolph Ziggler's girlfriend Vickie Guerrero tried to interfere in the match as usual, but Kelly Kelly, out of all, people came out and tackled Vickie helping out the Rated R champ.Everyone was obviously confused because until that night Kelly and Edge had no previous storyline. Then it was announced that the next Friday on SmackDown that Edge and Kelly would face Ziggler and Lay-Cool and the winning tag team would determine the champion.Well my thoughts are something that not many people in the Internet Wrestling Community (IWC) have ...

The Many Hair Stages Of CM Punk

Posted by Zak Subasi On January - 30 - 2011
CM Punk has had many hair styles and looks, so I've decided to take a look back at every single one that he has had in the WWE.  Enjoy!                                                                                                                                                 ...

PLEASE Give Curt Hawkins a Push!

Posted by Zak Subasi On January - 30 - 2011
I mean come on this guy really deserves a push.  Just watch this phenomenal match if you don't believe me.  Even the entrance of Hawkins is just awesome.  He just looks like he should be a star.  At least a high mid carder and not a lower mid carder on Superstars.  The hoodie, the ring attire and even the kickpads just make me want to see this guy with the Intercontinental title.  Share your comments below if you agree with me or don't.  I'd like to hear some other opinions.  Also who is your Royal Rumble pick? Enjoy the video! more Pro Wrestling ...

WWE: A Few Superstars I Would Love To See Get a Push

Posted by Zak Subasi On January - 20 - 2011
Well, first of all, I know you probably know the wrestlers I am going to name, but I feel like it's necessary.                                                                                                                                                               ...

WWE Monday Night Raw 1/10/11: What the Heck Is WWE Thinking?

Posted by Zak Subasi On January - 11 - 2011
This was an odd Raw, so I'll just get to the point of my review. Enjoy!   Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov vs. ??? Okay, so the tag team division sucks and for some reason CM Punk is being a little odd about accepting his Nexus members.   The Nexus members all follow Punk's orders and "initiate" Michael McGillicutty by attacking him and then carrying him to the back. This is where the odd starts to begin.   So the "NEW NEXUS" now consists of CM Punk and Mike McGillicutty. I do like the new Nexus/Punk t-shirts though. Pretty cool.   SmackDown! Superstar Alberto Del Rio ...

What Would Be Your Dream Tag Team?

Posted by Zak Subasi On January - 10 - 2011
Pretty much what the title says.   If you guys could put two WWE superstars together as a tag team (matching gear, same theme and a name) who would it be? No, I am not talking about The Hardyz or Edge and Christian, I mean current WWE superstars who are mid-carders that could use some sort of push.  A team that could possibly give us the rebirth of the WWE tag team division. I was just thinking how good of a job TNA did putting two mid-card superstars with great talent (Robert Roode and James Storm; Beer Money) together and creating of the ...

WWE: Wrestlemania 27 Dream Card and Realistic Card

Posted by Zak Subasi On January - 5 - 2011
Hello everybody! I thought about how everyone was writing articles on how Wrestlemania 27 was shaping up, but there were lots of different opinions so I decided to a dream card that we all really want to see this year and than a more realistic, more WWE type.  Enjoy!   Dream Card - Edge(c) vs. Christian (World Heavyweight Championship Match) - John Morrison vs. The Miz(c) (WWE Championship Match) - The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar - CM Punk vs. John Cena - Triple H vs. Sheamus   More realistic card     - John Cena vs. The Miz (c) (WWE Championship Match) - The Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett - Edge(c) vs. Alberto ...