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Author Archive

Raw’s New General Manager: Who Will It Be?

Posted by Alec Brown On June - 22 - 2010
Possible GM Number One: Bret Hart Bret Hart, general, ex-general, maybe-general manager of Monday Night is getting married July 24. Congratulations, Bret. Some feel that Bret will still be general manager when he returns. They believe he has been taken off television so he can plan his wedding and then go on his honeymoon, of course, with an eventual return. Others actually believe that Bret has been fired. And fired legitimately at that. The feeling is with Owen Hart's widow suing WWE, the WWE did not want to be associated with a Hart. If this is the case, it will be sad ...

Huge *Spoilers* For The Next Months In WWE and TNA

Posted by Alec Brown On June - 20 - 2010 and other sites associated with Pro Wrestling Scoops are reporting that WWE and TNA have big upcoming plans. Regarding Cody Rhodes being used sparingly, creative have talked about adding the second-generation superstar to the Straight Edge Society.  No further details were mentioned. According to a source, the call was recently made to get the title off Jack Swagger.  It is unknown whether that will be tonight at Fatal-4-Way, or if it will be in the near future.  According to current plans, Swagger will not remain champion through the summer. Jim Ross said in his blog that there would be "shockers and surprises" ...

John Cena: Why He Is Good at What He Does

Posted by Alec Brown On June - 18 - 2010
John Cena is the face of the WWE. He also is most likely the most hated man in wrestling. Fans pop when he enters the arena, but the IWC moans and groans. The IWC hates John Cena. I for one, have no idea why. If anyone should be hated, it should be the creative team. John Cena CAN wrestle, he can sell, he can speak, he's charismatic, he is loved by kids, he loves the business, and he does exactly what he's asked. What more could a company want? Cena is not ...

Update On Bryan Danielson’s Return and Status

Posted by Alec Brown On June - 17 - 2010
Bryan Danielson has been given permission by WWE to work any independent event, as long as it is not on television or pay-per-view.  Contrary to the belief of some, he does have a 90 day no-compete clause, which is why he cannot appear on television. I reported yesterday on his first date back on the independent scene.  He will be working July 23 for EVOLVE in Union City, NJ.  The venue only holds 300 people, so it will be interesting to see how many show up for the event. He will then work the next day for Dragon Gate USA.  It will be ...

Bryan Danielson’s Indy Re-Debuts

Posted by Alec Brown On June - 16 - 2010
Bryan Danielson has announced his first independent dates.  He will be wrestling July 23 at EVOLVE in Union City, NJ.  He will then work the next night for Dragon Gate USA.  There is also talk of having him work for Ring of Honor again. He is accepting independent bookings. Danielson had a very successful career in the "indy's."  It will be nice to see him somewhere where he can sing along to "Final Countdown," and "kick someone's ******* head in."  It'll be interesting to see how he draws, considering that the arena in Union City, NJ only has 300 seats. Thanks for the read.  ...

Loads of *Spoilers* on Undertaker’s Return and More WWE News

Posted by Alec Brown On June - 15 - 2010, a very reliable source, has reported that earlier this week, plans were discussed about having the NXT rookies be the ones responsible for Undertaker's attack. There is also talk of having the NXT rookies compete for a WWE contract at the Money in the Bank Pay-per-view. Additionally, they are reporting that new plans have Kane as the person responsible for the attack. If that is the case, it would lead to a casket match at Summerslam. If they followed through with the casket match, Taker is expected to win, leading to him to a World Heavyweight Title shot. If the casket match is the ...
For the second week in a row, the WWE left us with a crazy ending.  With the finish being built in the main event tag team match, the camera crew cut to the backstage area. The NXT rookies were destroying everything in sight. Then, we saw them drag Bret Hart towards a limo. He was tossed inside, and the vehicle ran into everything in sight.  Many are wondering, "Who was the driver?" I have broken down a list of possible suspects.   Daniel Bryan Bryan is the suspect many in the IWC are hoping was the culprit. The driver appeared to be his size but was ...

Could It Be the Next NWO?

Posted by Alec Brown On June - 14 - 2010
Ever since last Monday, I have been thinking about writing this article.  I decided it would be a good idea.  The NXT Invasion has been the talk of the IWC for a week now.  Many members of the IWC have called NXT the "Next NWO."  In an interesting note I picked up on, Michael Tarver had two t-shirts made for him during his time on NXT.  One shirt read "Run NXT."  The other just said "NXT."  The interseting part is the fact that his shirt was written the same way as the NWO tees. I just wanted to share this interesting note.   Could ...