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John Cena: Why He Is Good at What He Does
On June - 18 - 2010
John Cena is the face of the WWE. He also is most likely the most hated man in wrestling. Fans pop when he enters the arena, but the IWC moans and groans.
The IWC hates John Cena.
I for one, have no idea why. If anyone should be hated, it should be the creative team. John Cena CAN wrestle, he can sell, he can speak, he's charismatic, he is loved by kids, he loves the business, and he does exactly what he's asked.
What more could a company want?
Cena is not at fault when it comes to his "inability" to wrestle. It is NOT his fault that creative wants him to get beat down for 10 minutes, then hit his signature moves and win.
In this article, I break down why Cena is one of the best wrestlers in the WWE.