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Author Archive

Is WWE Business Strategy Starting to Hurt Its Core Fanbase

Posted by Jack Donald On April - 11 - 2011
Ever since the WWE wrote a certain letter stating that they no longer wished to be known as a wrestling company, there's been backlash and ill feeling from many fans.They are an entertainment company, but that entertainment comes from pro wrestling, so I don't see the need to create the distance from this word.However, we all know the stigma that goes with the word wrestling in certain circles and how its detractors will use words like "fake" or "choreographed," failing to realise that most forms of entertainment are "fake."So from a business point of view, I am sure it makes ...

TNA Wrestling Victory Road: What TNA Should Have Done

Posted by Jack Donald On March - 17 - 2011
As a fan of TNA, it's been a bumpy time since January 2010, but Victory Road was rock bottom. We lost the six-sided ring, said goodbye to the King of the Mountain and now had a main event which was nowhere near the standard of the TV bout that took place only two weeks ago.  Most of the event was of a decent standard. Even the double-countout in the No. 1 contender match wasn't that bad and looks likely to be part of a bigger storyline, but the main event could have been saved.  I have no inside knowledge, so I will go ...

WWE Royal Rumble: So Close Yet So Far for Santino

Posted by Jack Donald On January - 31 - 2011
For one brief moment, I though the writers had made sense and were going to make Santino a proper superstar—that they were going to fill the next 60 days with Santino training, maybe getting a mentor as he prepares for his big chance.He could have gone on Raw the next night stating how he his the greatest and challenging anyone to face the great Santino, at which point, out comes Sheamus (or similar), who gets taught a lesson.The next week, out pops a legend, cuing a few weeks of comical training skits, and then he comes back to raw and ...