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We as wrestling fans have an tendency to be critical about the WWE in various ways.It's either a storyline that ended too soon or lasted too long, a wrestler not being pushed or being pushed too fast. Creative being lousy and too predicable.The list of complaints can go on forever, as we can always find something to criticize the WWE about.In my opinion, the Be a Star Alliance is one of the few things in regards to the WWE we should never complain about.It may seem hypocritical for a wrestling promotion whose storylines are centered around wrestlers bullying, harassing and ...
I have been deep in thought over the WWE product for some time now.I hate to say that I've been missing enough episodes of SmackDown and Raw to be close to being out of the loop of the storylines occurring.I'm perplexed over the fact that the crowds at the WWE events are bipolar to the point of being stone-cold silent to sporadic cheering. The source of why I'm frequently missing more of my WWE programming can be found in the content of John Cena's tweet:  Yawn..stop looking at this bizz in black and white. I am not a 'heel' or a ...
I had recently flipping through my channels and tried to find something that is close to entertaining. I stumbled on a Nickelodeon sub-channel that has all my favorite 90's and early 00's shows. I laughed as Zim failed to once again conquer planet earth, and I shed tears watching the Mothers Day Rugrats episode special as Chuckie Finster learns of his mother, who died prior to his birth.I also watched Doug, Catdog, AHHHH Real Monsters, As told by Ginger and many more shows that I deeply cherished as I grew up with my television being my source of entertainment. When ...
As I bet many of you have now have heard, two talented female wrestlers were future endeavored from the WWE.Melina was never the most popular Diva on the roster in the eyes of the fans, due to her personal sexual life being controversial and stating she should have been featured at WrestleMania instead of Trish stratus.Gail Kim, on the other hand, is universally liked by nearly all WWE fans. We know she can wrestle better then the majority of the Divas, and I bet she could probably wrestled better then most of the men on the roster.  She barely ever ...

WWE: Defining Promo Moments on the Mic

Posted by Jacob Waring On July - 15 - 2011
In my mind a wrestler must do one thing to become an Icon or a main-eventer of the WWE. They can have the look that is awe-inspiring to see or have their veins be full of electrifying charisma that disintegrates our very souls.They need THAT defining moment that firmly clicks into our mind telling us that he/she is a main eventer and maybe even an Icon for the ages.That defining moment is a special kind of Promo. It difficult to put into words as one must hear it and witness it to understand the magnitude of the moment.A majority of ...

WWE/TNA: Another Fan-Made Parody Song for Pro-Wrestling

Posted by Jacob Waring On July - 9 - 2011
HUMOR — Being sick is lamer then Heath Ledger having his Joker persona taken from a Indy star than for a TNA star to then steal for himself as apparently originality is dead these days. In any case, I was listening to variety of songs on my play list when Weird Al's "White & Nerdy" came on. Needless to say, I twisted the song to fit to the tune of pro-wrestling.I decided to post it for all you adorable Bleacher Creatures to read as hopefully it's a song to your tune!  As for those you who have read my last ...

CvC 2.o: It’s Time Once Again to Vote

Posted by Jacob Waring On July - 9 - 2011
The second round of this competition was very difficult for all the competitors. Their topics were on international pro wrestling, which was way out of everyone's comfort zones. However, everyone who wrote did an excellent job, and it'll be tough to vote. Now, the time has come to vote for the articles you thought were the best within each matchup. The same rules apply, voting will end at Sunday 12am, and the structure to cast your votes remains the same: Red: 1. 2. Blue: ...and so on, as this way shortens up the time for me to count votes! Also, ...

B/R Creature vs. Creature 2.0: It’s Time To Vote

Posted by Jacob Waring On July - 1 - 2011
I hope you all are enjoying the Creature vs Creature thus far which has seen many compelling articles from all involve. Everyone is putting forth their best efforts into their articles while also pouring their hearts and souls into them. So, I congratulate you all on a job well done so far. We have a mix of bad and good news in regards to this competition. The news which is that Joe Burgett has asked me to take over the CvC 2.0 competition as he has been suspended indefinitely. This due to comments ...

WWE Cage Matches: A Chainlinked History of Cages Matches

Posted by Jacob Waring On April - 7 - 2011
In the WWE gimmick matches are an attraction to the ever-faithful wrestling fans. One of the most popular gimmick matches around is the cage match. The WWE has four variations of Cage Matches that have their own sets of rules, customs and mythic qualities to them. The three types I'll delve into are Cages, Hell in the Cell and the Elimination Chamber Match. Cages are the regular cage matches that are found in all wrestling promotions in the world with the first of it's kind taking place on June 25, 1937 in Atlanta Georgia. The very first cage match was ...
When we discuss what aspects make a Pro-Wrestler successful, some say it's the gimmick that they portray.  A gimmick makes a wrestler stand out, depending on how well he/she portrays it. Others will say it's the wrestlers move-sets that they showcase in each match that is vital to their success. Making moves, as their trademark, is another way to stand out amongst the pack. Many will say both aspects are required. One aspect that is always underrated and barely anyone thinks is a key part to a wrestling success, is having a catch phrase. A catch phrase is something the we ...