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WWE/TNA: Another Fan-Made Parody Song for Pro-Wrestling

Posted by Jacob Waring On July - 9 - 2011

HUMOR — Being sick is lamer then Heath Ledger having his Joker persona taken from a Indy star than for a TNA star to then steal for himself as apparently originality is dead these days. In any case, I was listening to variety of songs on my play list when Weird Al's "White & Nerdy" came on. Needless to say, I twisted the song to fit to the tune of pro-wrestling.

I decided to post it for all you adorable Bleacher Creatures to read as hopefully it's a song to your tune!  As for those you who have read my last song, I parody, and if you did not, well click on the link here: Bleacher Report - Pro Wrestling is the owner of this article.

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