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Author Archive

WWE Night Of Champions 2009 Prediction Competition

Posted by Jev Thorpe On July - 23 - 2009
The majority of matches have been announced for this Sunday's WWE pay-per-view, where every title will be on the line at Night Of Champions. Therefore, it must be time again for another prediction competition. Some interesting matches have been scheduled, many of which have no clear favorite. Picking the winners this time won't be an easy task. If you don’t know how this works yet, follow this link for all the rules and past winners. It’s pretty simple, though; simply leave your predictions for all the matches as a stand-alone comment in the comments section, and leave the rest to me. The match for ...

What Body Part is CM Punk on His Journey From Face to Heel?

Posted by Jev Thorpe On July - 18 - 2009
In recent months CM Punk has been making a very slow but deliberate move from being a "face" wrestler to a "heel." For those not familiar with wrestling terms, this means he is going from being a good guy to a baddie. Irrespective of whether or not we agree with this decision, the fact remains that the CM Punk we are currently seeing is not the finished heel article. So where does that leave him? If he is not yet a heel and no longer a face, what body part is he, and has he been, on his journey down the body? This slide show ...

B/R WWE Pay-Per-View Prediction Competition Rules and Records

Posted by Jev Thorpe On July - 17 - 2009
Prior to WrestleMania XXV I began hosting a competition for members of B/R to predict the winners of WWE pay-per-views. The aim of these competitions were to reduced the number of "here are my predictions for..." style articles that had been clogging B/R's Wrestling Section, and also just for a little fun. I would consider that the concept has been a relative success; many people take part and have fun, and the multitude of prediction articles seem to have reduced. The point of this article is to provide a place for me to archive all the rules, along with the results of ...

Chris Jericho’s Tag Partner: Aren’t We Forgetting Someone?

Posted by Jev Thorpe On July - 16 - 2009
Let me start by saying I am not all that bothered with the hype currently surrounding Chris Jericho's new tag team partner. It's a pretty interesting scenario, but to say continually hearing of the matter is becoming mind-numbing is an understatement. Am I therefore a hypocrite for writing an article about it? Perhaps. But I feel that despite the countless predictions and theories surrounding the matter, many have failed to put certain pieces of the WWE puzzle together to get the picture I’m seeing. First, let's quickly recap the current situation. I stress quickly as I’m sure most of you know the ...

BREAKING NEWS: WWE Creative Team Diagnosed with ADHD (Satire)

Posted by Jev Thorpe On July - 10 - 2009
It has been confirmed that the members of the WWE creative team are undergoing tests concerning their mental health. After several complaints from members of the WWE Universe regarding the current program quality, a medical team were sent to WWE Headquarters in Stamford, CT to evaluate the mental condition of the WWE writers. The news was brought to light after an e-mail regarding the issue was leaked yesterday, between Vince McMahon and a mental health official.   The situation initially came as a shock to Vince McMahon, Chairman of WWE, but now, according to a spokesperson, he is “eager to resolve the issue, and ...

WWE the Bash 2009 Prediction Competition

Posted by Jev Thorpe On June - 25 - 2009
It's that time again for another prediction competition, as the rebranded "The Bash" gears up for this Sunday. For those of you who don't know how this works it's simple; make your picks for all the matches this Sunday at The Bash, as given below, and leave your predictions as a stand-alone comment in the comments section of this article. The numbers in bold represent the weightings of each match, hence their importance to your overall score in the competition. There is no prize for winning, merely the satisfaction of knowing you are the most accurate soothsayer in all of B/R. Several of ...