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Can Wrestling Fans Save Survivor Series? Maybe

Posted by Brent Caldwell On March - 17 - 2010

On February 11th, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) announced that they would be discontinuing the annual Survivor Series pay-per-view.

I don't think I even have to begin to describe how irate pro-wrestling purists like myself were at the realization that the second-longest running pay-per-view in wrestling history was no more.

Personally, I have many fond memories of the November classic. It was the first WWE pay-per-view that I attended live, in 1991, when I was seven years old. I cried like a baby when Hulk Hogan lost to The Undertaker.

It feels like WWE is totally betraying tradition. Now, I'm not always opposed to going against tradition. I'm a fairly progressive-minded person, and I understand that we must e...

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