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Is Sheamus vs. HHH at WrestleMania a Pointless Match?

Posted by Scott Manyard On March - 2 - 2010

After last night’s Raw, it became pretty obvious that the much-expected HHH and Sheamus match at Wrestlemania 26 will be happening.

Sheamus jumped the railing and attacked HHH after DX lost their rematch for the Unified Tag Team Championship to Show-Miz.

So what is the point of having a HHH vs. Sheamus match at Wrestlemania?

Well, I can come up with some obvious reasons.

It puts Triple H on the Wrestlemania card. And let’s face it, a WrestleMania without Triple H just wouldn't be the same.

Second, it puts Sheamus in his first WrestleMania m...

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